Smoke can be harnessed to create a wide range of effects, from the subtle and mysterious to the dramatic and intense. It can transform ordinary locations into something magical, lending an ethereal quality to landscapes, interiors, and even character entrances. Smoke can obscure or reveal, heightening suspense, and adding a layer of complexity to the narrative. PMI's product portfolio consists of two main products with a wide range of accessories depending on the set situation and required effect needed.
- SmokeGENIE The PMI Smoke Genie is designed for professional and bigger productions and has the ability to create a cinematic haze with long hang time: 10 to 15 minutes (with ventilation) or 30 to 45 minutes (without ventilation). It comes with a variety of different smoke modes.
- SmokeNINJA Is the smaller version of the Smoke Genie and an entry-level portable fog machine made for content creators, videographers and photographers. It fits easily in your pocket and is perfect for creating smoke effects and cinematic haze in product photography. The Smoke Ninja has three different smoke modes.

Both the SmokeGENIE and SmokeNINJA can be controlled wirelessly, uses industry-standard 18650 rechargeable batteries and there are a variety of accessories to meet all needs. The smoke created by PMI´s smoke machines is safe, odourless, eco-friendly, and based on food-grade formulation. It is safe to breathe, does not irritate eyes and does not create any discomfort to be in. The smoke system has been rigorously tested and labelled safe by SGS Testing institute. The complete smoke generation system, including both the machine and the liquid, has also received the prestigious whitelist endorsement from Actor’s Equity Association USA.
Smoke serves several practical purposes. It can help control lighting conditions, allowing filmmakers to shape the quality of light and control contrast. It's an invaluable asset for creating a cohesive visual style and ensuring that each frame of the film matches the director's vision.

In essence, the ability to use smoke on film sets is not just about visual aesthetics; it's about storytelling and evoking emotions. PMI's smoke machine products is a powerful tool that enhances the cinematic experience, making it an indispensable element in the toolkit of filmmakers, cinematographers and content creators.