Ever wondered how news anchors or a head of government can keep on talking without losing their lines? Well, the answer is a teleprompter. A teleprompter is a device that has a reflective screen placed in front of the camera and a monitor mounted directly underneath the screen, that displays the script to the reflective screen.
The reflective surface is see-through on one side and reflective on the other. In this way the camera can shoot right through the glass without the text showing up in the video. Teleprompters are mounted on the camera and project your script directly onto the camera, which means you’ll be looking straight at the camera lens when speaking.
The script can be controlled thru a remote or app.
A teleprompter is important from several aspects. Above all, it helps the presenter to remember all the lines and so that you use a correct language and avoid filler words and “uhms”
Second, it helps to minimize the number of takes and therefore saves money and time, and if you are doing a live stream you only have one chance to nail your lines and to sound professional.
Focus Nordic offer teleprompters from DataVideo for a wide range of cameras, whether you are filming with ENG cameras in a big broadcast studio or shooting an infomercial at a corporate hq with a DSLR.